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Burial Site
Anna Elisabeth Fiegenbaum
1864 — 1871
Immanuels United Church of Christ Cemetery
Holstein, Warren County, Missouri, USA

Hier ruht
Anna E. Fiegenbaum
Geb. 13. Aug. 1864
Gest. 16. Juni 1871
Here lies
Anna E. Fiegenbaum
B.[orn] 13 August 1864
D.[ied] 16 June 1871
Anna Elisabeth Fiegenbaum was buried in the oldest cemetery in Holstein, Missouri. The cemetery is across the street from the brick church which was dedicated in October 1884 as die deutsche evangelische Immanuels Kirche zu Holstein (the German Evangelical Immanuels Church of Holstein; known since 1957 as Immanuels United Church of Christ ). The cemetery is next to and south of the parsonage and on the site of the first church built in Holstein, a log structure erected during the winter of 1839-1840.
Although the year of birth in this photo appears to be 1861, the inscription is in fact 1864. Portions of the number four were not engraved very deeply and have become less distinct over the years. As a consequence, they do not stand out in this image.
That Anna Fiegenbaum was born in 1864 is confirmed by the record kept by her parents and also by the baptismal register of the church at Holstein. Her birth was recorded again in the church's burial register. These records along with other documents may be found in Immanuels United Church of Christ, Anniversary Book Committee, The History of Our Church, 1839-1989: One Hundred Fifty Years (Holstein, Missouri: Immanuels United Church of Christ, 1989).