20 August 2010

Wilhelm Friedrich Fiegenbaum

1862 — 1929

Confirmation Certificate

confirmation certificate for Wilhelm Friedrich Fiegenbaum
Holstein, Missouri; 1876?  From an old photocopy.

A partial transcription of the document reads:

Erinnerung an den Tag der Confirmation

Friedrich Wilhelm Fiegenbaum
geboren den 15ten März 1862 confirmirt
den 14ten April 1876 in der evangelischen
Kirche am Charette in Holstein

. . . . . . . . . .

(signed) J. F. Schierbaum
evgl. Prediger

A translation is:

Remembrance of the Day of Confirmation

Friedrich Wilhelm Fiegenbaum
born on the 15th of March 1862 is confirmed
on the 14th of April 1876 in the Evangelical
Church on Charette in Holstein

. . . . . . . . . .

(signed) J. F. Schierbaum
evangelical Preacher

Wilhelm Friedrich Fiegenbaum was the form of this man's name used by his parents to record his birth. It was also the name which was recorded in the church baptism register and on his marriage licenses (one in English and one in German). Wilhelm Friedrich was the form of the name used in his obituary and inscribed on the gravestone he shares with his wife.

The arrangement used here, Friedrich Wilhelm Fiegenbaum, seems out of place.

Brief Genealogy

Wilhelm Friedrich Fiegenbaum's family

Henriette Caroline Amelia Starkebaum's family

Fiegenbaum - Starkebaum family

More Resources